Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan

I will talk about Sapporro here, this is a Hot spring hotel. and they got tatami room. let me show you the before and after.



they move the table and chair and put the "bed" on the floor, I prefer the usual bed.......Just not used to it......

The hotel restaurant where we have our dinner.

Next we went to the Okura, where they practice for the winter olympic.

Long escalator to go up

should be introducing about the slide..... I don't understand.

Far View

Close view: Can you spot the fella? tips, wearing yellow suit.....when is not winter, they keep spraying the water on the slide....

going up up up

View from the top.

Introductory to the town: One thing that really impress me ,no more empty slot of the land....

Japanese school girl..... distracted a bit, ok come back to the view

View from the top, how to jump down from here? I won't ( knee's trembling)

Main tower in sapporo town.

big...... double the size of malaysia's crow

Visited a crystal house

Stayed in this hotel, nice......

View from the hotel:

More of Marimo

Shopping, shopping and shopping, and the eye behind

The night View:

Next we will go to Hakodate..

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